Saturday, November 04, 2006

Off His Meds

All those people you lost track of, they are here in my basement. I feed them once a day and make them play endless games of Monopoly. I am the banker and the little dog. I won't let them have hotels or 200 dollars for pass go.
You should have kept in touch, I am making their lives a living hell.
I hid all the get out of Jail free cards
Alrighty, then...
You must be another Kelloggs Crunchy Nut!

Bad Boy Bubby eat your heart out!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~very funnny. CC Michigan
Hey I think that's great - do you have any more room -- I have a few for you that I would like to add. BL/Michigan
Try and catch moo base Alpha and keep 'em there, please!
I know of a few that I would also love to give to you. But only if you promise to keep them!
Do you ever make them play other games like Twister or Candyland?
okay..............sounds like your off your meds.
I think Prozak or Lithium might be in order here. 10/16/06 - Carmelita - MI
Yo I think I played with this dude... that sounds like every game of Monopoly I've been force to play (which is all of them).
It;s scary because it could be true!
That was very funny!
I also have people to send you and they are in the bottle..Also make sure they do not get to collect the Free Parking money, have them use all small denomination bills (like 10 $1's instead of a single $10)and use loaded dice..Thanks!!

Found by Sera

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