Friday, November 03, 2006

誰かを愛することって、大切ですよね : Loving Someone, I am Important

Why do I wonder if foreign people are accessing this site, they probably can read and write in English?
I'd hate to see their key-board!
umm pie :)
This is an international site. Can you not show some patience for other people? Do they have to know your own language when you do not try to learn another? I myself speak 6 different lanhuages, and I am sorry I did not master any oriental one yet...
:) Just pass it on to someone who can understand it . Just leave a :)

we don't want hostile people on this ocean

It might say something beautiful. :)
hehehe im beautiful :)
i no every1 who reads this wil love me coz im AUSTRALIAN!!!! :):):)

Great! I wait for fifteen minutes and I can't even read the stupid message! >:(
While both of the boxed messages are Japanese language, I could not get a good translation on the original sender's message. The next box message translates with lovely thoughts of living with balance and love in our lives which will make us strong. I implore all of you oceangram lovers to go to a free translation site (do a google) and try your hand at copying and pasting the boxes to the translator. You will not always get a great translation--but sometimes you will, and you will realize that it was worth the effort to try. Happy translating!! Lynne at bottleparty PA USA 10-25-06
wo ist meine oma?
wo ist meine mutter?
I'm learming german:)
Here's the translation I received for the first one:

"There is the moment when I want to die just to live.
There is time becoming terrible. Where does the moment lead?
But I think about nothing."

Here's the second:

"If I can love somebody though it is hard, with that alone I am strong, and I can live my life.

Loving somebody,
I am important."

Found by Sera