Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Weather From Pueblo to Tucson

Hoping that you are having a good day today. 9/24/06, Pueblo, Colorado at 4:45p.m.
My day was okay. The tree guy finally came and cut down the dead trees in our yard.
-Jen 9/25/06 USA
Having a great day thanks. wants me! ;) Alexra
The day is starting out well except that I'm going to be taking my MORNING shower in the AFTERNOON because I can't seem to quit collecting just ONE MORE BOTTLE! LOL! Saturday morning 9/30/2006 in the USA.
I did too much yesterday and having a hard time getting going this morning. Colder. Feels like tea and sappy movie weather. - USA, CA 10/1/06
Seems okay so far . Started out rainy but it's sunny now , supposed to rain later . That's fall for ya' in the Great White North . Gary - Toronto , Ontario , Canada 10.3.06 12:20pm
It's OK so far...rainy but the rest of the week/weekend is supposed to be nice.

Indiana, USA, 10/4/06
Perfect day in Chicago. Sunny, clear blue sky, low 70s, gentle breezes, birds chirping, quiet blue waters on Lake Michigan, sailboats going by.
Fri., 6 Oct. 10:43

Nice day in Tucson, AZ 10/25 at 1818. The only down thing is work tomorrow.

Found by Sera

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