Saturday, October 14, 2006

What Were You Thinking?

What were you thinking right before you opened this bottle?
I wonder what this message will say, will it just be hello, or a story I can add too.
Canada Sept. 29/06
What kind of flooring I want to put down in our livingroom after we pull up the carpet. Kenai, Ak. 10/2/06
I was wondering why people delete perfectly good oceangrams.
I thougt that this is funny, it's the first time that I hit this page. GER10/06/06
I clicked the bird and the noise was horrible.
I just came in and was thinking fall is in the air and the trees are turning colors and cool and crisp my kind of year
North Carolina 10/09
I wasn't thinking,I was mindlessly watching my soap.
woooooo message in a bottle...wonder what it says?

Found by Sera

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