Sunday, October 01, 2006

Embarrassing Moments

What's the most embarressing thing that has ever happened to you?
Mine is when we moved into our new home that we built, the fences behind us hadn't been put up. But that was ok because no house was there. Anyway after a shower I ran into our rumpus room to find some clean clothes. Our rumpus room has three HUGE windows facing the back of our property To my horror, 3 builders were building that fence in full view of my curtainless windows, to see me in all my glory. I hid in my room for an hour!! I was mortified!
Skip EB
Well we had an underground wasp nest that happened to be right under our bedroom and the guy who was going to get rid of it was a friend and we were doing what husbands and wives do, and hadnt realised he arrived and was crawling underneath our very room while we were 'busy' NOW THAT IS EMBARRASSING and NO i'm not putting down my name!
I got into the wrong car at a drive in once and quickly handed the guy that was in there my tray of drinks and corndogs.When I saw his face, I realized that it wasn't my husband and I had to grab my tray back from him and beat a hasty retreat only to go 3 cars down. This was AFTER I had snatched a speaker off another car with my big 8 month pregnant belly trying to squeeze inbetween cars cuz I was in a hurry to eat my corndog! LOL That's why I had gotten into the wrong car cuz I was in a dither over that. My husband wouldn't take me home cuz he paid his money and he's staying!" and I was too embarassed to get back out of the car to use the restroom later on so I just sat right there in his car and peed my pants LOL LOL
**rudeness edited** I have never done anything as stupid as what you people have said.
never anything like those but its not sick just mishaps in life.
thank you for making me smile.
HH Upstate NY 9/14/06
mine was at school i was sent up on the stage to accept and achivement award and i let one rip infront of all the pupils at, i got some stick for the rest of the year for that one
Thanks for the laughs.
I'm not telling mine...I have too many to decide which one to use!
*IMAO* I remember one rainy day my friend and I were talking about crushes then my friend pointed out that I'd look cute with some boy I knew from elementary school, so I got mad at her and attacked her with my umbrella then she slided all the way down the hill we were walking and her skirt was all wet like she peed on it :P (it was more embarrasing for her than it was for me) all the senior students were in fits :p
nothing embarasing that I can think Of or is it that thememory just dulls with age!! 70
Ashburton New Zealand 10 09 06
A pap smear!
can't really think of anything as embarrassing as the above...
Great! Thanks for the smiles.
Just the other day, a group of boys were riding their bikes and wouldn't get out of the way of traffic. They were causing problems just to be 'cute'. I was the first car in line behind them and there were several cars behind me. I finally lost my temper and pounded on my horn. Well, my horn got stuck! It was blaring out on long BEEEPPPPPPPP! I had to drive like that to the next side street, park, and try to open my hood. My hood wouldn't open and the horn just went on and on. No one would stop and help me. People were standing in their doorways watching. And, worse of all, the group of little boys stopped across the street and were laughing so hard they were falling on the ground! christie Illinois
Embarrising momesnts are just that!!! Ones in which I will keep to myself! Thanks for SHARING! lol Idiana 6/06


Found by Lingly

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