Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Dale is the Love of my Life

dale is the love of my life , without him i am nothing , he is the air i breath , the light in my day the stars in my night, he makes my world turn , thankyou for the wonderful gift of love .
I wish I had love like that....I live with someone whom I love so dearly, but he does not love me back in the same way. Good for you, cherish what you have.
I'm really happy for you.
One-sided love seems to be the way most times. Too bad.
Congratulations. We've been married 38 years, and are still best of friends.
sounds fabulous
chip is more my type.

if ya dont get it ask someone older
correction: makes my world spin...
:grin: LxQ
I can live without it.
I can't imagine my life with my hubby. W have been together since we were teenagers have 2 wonderful kids. I love him so much......:)9/06
os deseo la mjor suerte del mundo, sand.
Am I the only one who finds her statement sad? "I"m nothing without him" That is SAD !
he is bonking your best friend
How about a Chippendale?
why do ppl have to ruin such nice bottle msgs? Uhhhg.

9/11/06 ~ UpStateNY
A sad anniversary for America...... TR
That's great that yo ulove in and he loves you. don't ever take that for granted.
I married a man who has become the very reason behind my every smile. After 13 years of marriage, our love is just as new and fresh. I'm not saying, I don't wish I could "strangle" him at times, but he really is the love of my life.
the longest notes on this thing are the ones about love.

they are boring, but maybe it means something that they're the most popular.
Nice to hear about, and inspiring. But be careful and don't lose your sense of self so much in another person that if something should happen, you are devastated and cannot function.
Peter is also the love of my life, we have been married for 32 years and have 2 beautiful girls. Neither of us have lost our personality. We have lots in common, but we also have different interests.We find ourselfves funny and are great pals....kind of coplement each other.
Let love rule.
"Without him I am nothing." Better you should say that about God, than a man.
to many people settle for less Demand the best and you won't settle!
i'm still lmao over the dale comment........yeah i got it......did you??
Many people ALWAYS have to ridicule people, or cut them down, I'm sure that she didn't literally mean, without him she was nothing, just her way of expressing how much she loved him-I think you are "sad" if you can't be happy for someone that has that much love for someone she is married to, and I bet she was just referring to human beings and no reference that she loved him more than GOD--I bet you guys that do that, find no joy except to "kick" people around! Larry W. in Oklahoma City

Found by Sera

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