Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Curse of the Bottle

Be patient the bottle with just the right thing in it will come your way!!

If only you could put money into these things.
That would be my ideal bottle right now.
9-10-06 Really cool that thes do go all over the world. US

Sept 11 New Zealand
Tossing it back, no money included though.
sending it back from Ca.
From Wales
from hanover pa usa

Sorry, no money in it, just good wishes to all. North Carolina 9/16
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No money here, just lots of warm wishes to the recipient!

I like that these bottles don't cost us money to send

Just remember money can't buy happiness.
There are an awful lot of people in the world with lots of money but how many of them are really happy??? Not that many would be my guess.
This is turning out to be a sort of Sunday-school evening.
Love the piccy! Actually these bottles DO cost money to send - at least MY internet connection's not free! Still it's a lot cheaper than airmail post! :D
It's a cheap addiction.
Hopper BBOT UK
sending it back with a.....curse!
Like I don't have enough to worry about. Now a bottle curse. Rats.
does a bottle curse hurt?
- - -
I was kinda hoping a Genie would pop out and grant me three wishes!
- - -

Found by Sera

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