Monday, October 09, 2006

Hello World!

Hello World!
And the world says Hi!

Now this is cute!
If I had gotten one more message asking how the weather is or telling me how much God loves me today, I was going to scream.

First of all - I'm not too interested in how the weather is since it will have changed by the time I get the message.

Second - News flash to the bible thumpers - The whole world is not Christian and spouting about God may offend some people with other beliefs.

Got a point but the suggestive talk that I have seen one here and the language is just as bad.
Sorry you feel threatened by those Christians who post on here....though I don't know why they aren't holding a gun to your head are they ?

If something looks remotely offensive then lets just throw it back and let someone else who agrees with the content post.

lovely bear ...can i say its bear ?^^

Found by Sera

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