Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Congratulations to Texas Couple

Greeting from Texas.

I am getting married tomorrow. I will be on my way to Cozmel by Saturday.

Congrats on getting married from San Diego California
U gay?
Essential Baby is full of Bogans. The place to be is Bogan Free at BFZ.
Best wishes
Congrats and enjoy your honeymoon.
My condolences to both you fools.

best wishes from the UK
Chris AYMEr 11/sept/06
Best wishes from the US 9/12/06
Hope you have MANY happy years together!
GeeWhiskers, HTE
Colorado Springs, CO, USA
congratulations from penrith sydney australia
Congratulations from Columbia, Missouri 9/14/06
How wonderful- the night before your marriage and you are sharing it with us. All the best.
um goodl uck
congradulations from Slovenia,Europe 18sept06
by now ure probably enjoying your honeymoon=)have a good time and a good life
Congratulations from Michigan. May you both have a wonderful life full of love and happiness.
isabel says what the hell
goodl uck! hope you beatout the statistics........
hmmm..has time to sit on a computer the nite before her wedding. I don't give the marriage too long before it goes bust.
Well in 4 years time my parents will be celebrating their 60th Wedding anniversary.

I wish you well in your life ahead.
May some roads be rockey and the trials ahead hard... But if you can cope with them then the rest will be a breeze.

I know because my mum is still hanging in there 56 years later even though there has been a few up's and down's in there married life.
Kat from New Zealand.

may you live in interesting times.
Wish you the best, live, love, and laugh. Never go to bed mad. Lousiana - 9-25-06
Yeah but
Hopper BBOT UK
Best Wishes!
I hope you won't listen to the naysayers. We have been married for 50 years and I still love him dearly. Best, best wishes. Austin, Texas 9/29/06
Where is Cozmel? In Kurdistan?
Hope you had a great day. BROXI BBOT

My folks made 69 years before mom died.

I'm going on 31 years this go-around

My kid bro is coming up on 48 years this month

1 Oct 2006 SoCal
Congratulations! Wishing you both a long and happy life together!
(hugs) Chicago 10/2
Best Wishes
Here is a wonderful old song:
How the world can change.
It can change like that!
due to that wonderful word, MARRIED!
See a palace rise, from a two-room flat,
Due to that wonderful word, MARRIED!
And the old despair, that was sometimes there,
suddenly ceases to be....
and you'll wake one day, turn around and say,
"somebody WONDERFUL married me!"
And so he did, and I wish you absolutely, the very best. Widowed at 34, raised 6 children alone, life is worth living. Enjoy every moment, even when it hurts.

Found by Sera

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