Saturday, September 30, 2006

Concepts of God and Religion

i feel like I disappointed my pastor by getting baptized in my church and then not going to church very often. this makes me sad
You should worry about your relationship with God, not your pastor.
In Mica it says to do God's work nothing is said about going to church
Well said. Agree. NZ.
me to (little_nikki TM)
I've heard that we are not human beings having spiritual experiences, but spiritual beings having human experiences. So we are part of God wherever we go.
We are God, and God is us.

We are not made to spend our lives worrying about whether we disappoint other humans because that will always happen. If you spend your life worrying, you will never be good enough. It is our duty to take care of each other and of our Earth. If we do that, we will be the person we were meant to be.

Besides, the holiest place I've ever been was in the heart of a forest, looking out over a green valley. Church is where you find it.

Old Crow
Beckley, WV, USA
Oh I like that - Church is where you find it! I don't go to Church but I pray and talk to God all the time.
Disappointing your pastor is not as important as disappointing God. Do something nice for someone today.
thanks for the kind words, i've been trying to figure out how to work the religion issue with my boyfriend and it's been hard. I really like the line, "Church is where you find it.." and where you feel it...

thanks! Sarah, Vermont
yeah to all of that
I wish people would keep their religion to themselves.
to be a good person is what it is all about. Do as Jesus would do.
I don't believe in religion, but I believe in being good to other people and taking care of our home, the earth. If religion helps you feel good about yourself and be kind to your fellow man, that's great. If it doesn't, leave it behind. Life is too short for guilt trips and meaness. Live, love, and enjoy those around you. If you want a religion, try this:
"Kindness is my religion"
(by the Dalai Llama)
I too, really like the "Church is where you find it". I read my Bible, and I pray right here at home, and anywhere else I feel led to do so. In the forest, on the beach, walking down the street. I pray as Jesus instructed, in private (to myself in public places). As much as I've read the my bible I have never read where Jesus promoted any one religion.
Religion is manmade.
The definition of Christian is Christ like. Follow God's word, and Jesus' example. God is the one you will ultimately answer to, not your Pastor :)

It's comforting to know that there are people who feel as I do out there - thank you for your messages - you have made me feel more at peace.

Found by Sera

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